Have you created your own navigation tab and want to add icon?
Use inspect element in your browser and hover over your tab. For details check image below:
For that tab just add this code to your existing one (for example before the last } in above code):
Do you want to have a different...
Advanced Navigation add-on adds many options and customizations to your forum navigation. They are easily enabled in Style Properties. It's very similar add-on to [cXF] Sticky Navigation (but don't have them installed at the same time!), except some other features like to show...
BassMan submitted a new resource:
[cXF] Sticky Navigation - Add sticky (fixed) navigation and/or fixed moderator bar to your forum + many extra features
Read more about this resource...
With this add-on you're a step closer to modern website approach. It will add a sticky (fixed) navigation with many options and customizations in style properties.
It was designed to work with default XenForo style (which is easy to customize), so no third party style is needed.