- Compatible XenForo version
- 1.5
- Donation for support
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With this simple add-on you can visually remove Two-Step Verification feature.
Note: Two-Step Verification is a security improvement from XenForo, but if you don't want it on your forum, you can remove it by installing this add-on. Before you decide, maybe read those threads:
- XF 1.5 - Two-Step Verification and Security Improvements
- Not Planned - Option to disable 2FA globally
What this add-on do:
- removes link in account wrapper:
- removes link in account navigation visitor tab:
- if someone links directly to yourforum.com/account/two-step it will show this:
You can change the text Two-Step Verification is currently not available by editing this phrase:two_step_verification_not_available
Donations are welcome. You can donate here.