- Compatible XenForo version
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
- Extra
- For more than 1 forum installation please consider a donation on our site.
Advanced Navigation add-on adds many options and customizations to your forum navigation. They are easily enabled in Style Properties. It's very similar add-on to [cXF] Sticky Navigation (but don't have them installed at the same time!), except some other features like to show navigation above logo. Also you don't have so much sticky stuff (except moderator bar) and it's a bit cheaper.
It was designed to work with default XenForo style (which is easy to customize).
* if you will use Font Awesome icons, it is recommended to install this add-on: [cXF] Font Awesome Switch, unless you already have them installed by a third party style or add-on.
*If you haven't already done so, please rate and review!
- move visitorTabs (username/inbox/alerts) to moderator bar
- sticky (fixed) moderator bar
- useful admin menu in moderator bar (optional)
- show extra tab Map that links to quick navigation menu with extra features included
- background and text colour of moderator bar can be easily changed in style properties when using visitorTabs in moderator bar
- option so show navigation above logo
- option to show quicksearch in navigation bar
- option to show inline alert balloons
- option to add extra navigation tabs
- option to trigger popup on entire navigation tab
- option to show mini avatar
- option to hide header logo and show small logo in navigation
- option to show zero alert balloon
- option to show Log In/Sign Up link in navigation bar (with or without icon) + customizable in style properties
- option to show Logout text link or icon on the right side of alerts link
- option to show username, inbox and alerts like icons
- option to show home tab and home link in breadcrumb as icon
- option to remove Search Forums. Watched Forums and Watched Threads in navigation
- option to show all forums when searching
- option to show all forums when searching resources (XF Resource Manager is required to activate this function)
- option to change icons with Font Awesome codes
- option to remove Mark Forums Read, Search Forums, Watched Forums and Watched Threads link in navigation
- option to add Recent Posts link to left of New Posts link
- disable Font Awesome script if you don't use FA icons
- ...
- Download and unzip it
- Upload files in 'upload' folder to right place on your server
- From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page
- Upload the xml file and click the Install Add-on button.